
Ming Xiang, EEM-CP, B.Eng.

Currently practicing out of Sundance in SE Calgary, Alberta

Book Your Session

Cell: (403) 397-9608


Hi Ming, I wanted to thank you so much for the amazing session you gave me. I am feeling more inspired these days as well. So thankful.


Hi Ming, the session today was amazing. I’m not sure all the ins outs but I feel very calm and centred right now – grounded. You are learning such valuable information and you have a gift for delivering what you are learning. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.


Hi Ming, thanks again for your time yesterday, it’s definitely helped as I had a great nights sleep and felt relaxed when I woke up which is a rare occurrence for me these days. 


I was quite skeptical when I had my first session with Ming. After the session I felt relaxed and that night had the best night of sleep in many years. I woke after a deep sleep feeling refreshed and more energetic than I had felt in a long time.
