About Ming

About the practitioner

I came to know energy medicine in 2015. A friend told me that energy medicine could help my daughter deal with her emotional outbursts and anxiety. My daughter has autism, low functioning, and severe learning disability. In a hope that energy medicine could help regulate my daughter’s emotion and behavior, and improve her cognitive skills, I started to study Eden Energy Medicine in 2017. In May 2019, after two years study and practice, I became a certified Eden Energy Medicine practitioner (EEM-CP). I have since been practicing it on my daughter, family members, friends, and clients. This field has vast potential to help people stabilize and optimize their body and mind health as well as to help the evolution of humanity.

Before became an EEM-CP, I had been a professional engineer for over 20 years. How did I become an Energy Medicine practitioner from a professional engineer? I often ask myself this question. Life is a weird thing. It brings you to what your spirit wants you to be. Since very young, I had been interested in Chinese Medicine even though my choice of career when I was 17 years old was engineering. I had been a professional engineer since 1993 to 2021. I started my energy medicine journey in 2017. After became an EEM-CP in 2019, it took me another 2 years to work on my fear and letting go of the past, to make the drastic shift, moving from the engineering into the energy medicine field.

My daughter’s autism brought me into this journey of personal growth and evolution. I had known that when I get in touch with the life itself (also is called the Oneness, Budda, God, or the Universe by different people) within me everything around me settles, in another word what’s happening around me is a manifestation of my inner state. But I had never been this clear about this statement before the Energy Medicine journey. It was a concept but not a true reality for me. Now when I apply energy medicine to help my daughter, I clearly see it in an energetic way. When I pull all my fields back to my TaiJi pole, she settles down, her being starts to respond. With the experience from practicing, experimenting, and exploring techniques and protocols on my daughter, I understand more and more about what techniques and protocols help autistic children better, and in what sequence it works better for them. My daughter has been completely off medication since November 2019, and surprises me almost every day with her progress now.

With the longing to know more about the Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hindu’s Chakras healing, sound healing, and other healing modalities, and with the deep sense of everything is intimately connected, I’ve come to a place to heal, to help, to love, to accept, to receive, and to be open.

My mission statement is to help people live to their full potential with joy, peace, and grace by empowering people to heal themselves physically (精), mentally/emotionally (气), and spiritually(神). I feel it is the critical time for humanity to evolve to the next level. I would like to contribute to this evolution, to be part of the solution.

At the same time, my special interest is to help autistic children improve stereotyped, compulsive, and aggressive behaviour, and develop cognitive skills in a holistic way, as well as help their parents cope with the stress and connect with their autistic child(ren).


Eden Practitioner Listing – Ming Xiang


Sharing my experience and learning:

I’d like to share the names of some books, websites, and programs that helped me grow tremendously in the past 13 years.

Websites that containing life-changing programs:

Books that I’ve read and listened that had impacted on me greatly:

  • Meet The Unknown Self (遇见未知的自己), by Zhang Defen 张德芬
  • A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Elkhart Tolle
  • The Soul of Money, by Lynne Twist
  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach
  • The Wisdom of Your Cells, by Bruce Lipton
  • The Tapping Solutions, by Nick Ortner

Programs that changed or transformed me:

  • Energy Medicine Two Year Certification Program
  • In Conversations with the Mystic, Sadaguru Youtube Videos
  • Unlock Your Quantum Powers, by Jean Houston
  • Programs by Christian Carter
  • Programs by Rori Raye