Live your life to full potential with joy, peace, & grace.

Your body is designed to heal itself.

… The ability of the body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats. But, you’ve been placed in a world that systematically interferes with this natural capacity, and your conscious involvement in your health is required if you are truly to prosper.”
– Energy Medicine 10th Anniversary Edition, P.17

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is a holistic approach that involves balancing and restoring your body’s natural energies for the purposes of increasing your vitality, strengthening your mental capacities, and optimizing your health and wellbeing.

Energy Medicine brings about physical and mental improvements by impacting the electromagnetic fields that regulate the body as well as by shifting the more subtle energies described in other cultures with terms such as chakras, meridians, and etheric fields. By impacting the electromagnetic fields and shifting subtle energies, the body’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.

Energy Medicine combines concepts and procedures from ancient healing and spiritual traditions with contemporary scientific understanding of health and healing. It can be used both as a complementary practice and as a health support system in its own right. It is at the cutting edge of both clinical and scientific understanding of how to better support health and healing, and it reaches into the very heart of being human.


What is the science behind Energy Medicine?

We’ve been studying the body’s energy centers for thousands of years. Chakras, the energy transmission centers of the body, were first described in ancient Hindu texts. Meridians, the energy superhighways of the body, helped lead traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to develop acupuncture.

These ancient cultures used different modalities to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal, but they all recognized the power of internal energy.

Some published books or articles show you more about the science behind Energy Medicine:


What is Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)?

The form of Energy Medicine I use the most was developed by Donna Eden and is described in her book, Energy Medicine. For more information, visit:

About the Founder of Eden Energy Medicine, Donna Eden:


The nine energy systems in Eden Energy Medicine

  • Meridians (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
  • Five Elements (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
  • Triple Warmer (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
  • Radiant Circuits (based on traditional Chinese medicine)
  • Aura
  • Chakras (from Hinduism)
  • Grid
  • Celtic Weave
  • Electrics


Understand energy in Eden Energy Medicine

(extracted from EEM Class Handouts)

  • The profound implication of E = mc2 is: Energy is the underlying creative force of the universe!
  • Every atom and molecule inside you emits and absorbs light and energy of different wavelengths.
  • Your body’s energies flow, spin, spiral, stream, weave, and crisscross in unique patters that support life, surging through your body like electricity moving through a building to bring light and power.
  • Energy needs space to move.
  • Toxins, stress, constrictions in the body, and negative thinking can all interfere with the proper flow of energy.
  • The people, settings, and events in your life affect, and are affected by, your energies, and your energies are always adapting to your circumstances.
  • Energy can form habits that persist even when the need for the habit has passed.
  • Energies can be in conflict with one another or out of harmony with the needs of your physical body.
  • Energies can be re-patterned.
  • Energy can foster and restore the full, free, and dynamic flow of health throughout your body…


Other Energy Medicine Modalities  

Aside from Eden Energy Medicine, I also use protocols and procedures that have been developed and taught by Marianne Ferguson (Advanced EEM Practitioner, Herbalist, Meditation Coach) and Lori Crabbe-Giesbers (Physiotherapist, Registered Acupuncturist, Advanced EEM Practitioner), as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine methods I learned from Xu Wenbing Houpu ZhuJi Program.

  • Distant Energy Medicine Healing
  • Energy Sucking Cords and Life Force Bleeds
  • Working Deep into the Layers of Energy
  • Links to the Past
  • Teeth and Jaw Health
  • The Essence of the Five Elements
  • Grounding Protocol using Earth points
  • Enhance Your Shen Protocol using acupuncture points

Things to remember about Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine is a complementary modality that shouldn’t exclude any Western Medicine you may be taking.

Energy Medicine techniques bring disturbed energies back to a state of balance and harmony.  Generally, these techniques will consist of various forms of light or deep touch and the movement of practitioner’s hands within your body’s energy field.

Energy Medicine should not be construed as a substitute for needed medical attention. Energy Medicine practitioners are not licensed to diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions.


What are the other names of Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is also referred to as Energy Work, Energy Healing. You can follow below links to get more information about the definitions of each name.

Energy Work
Natural Health Practitioners of Canada

Energy Healing



As you embrace your deepest nature, the energies of your being shine forth into your body, your mind, and your world. 

Donna Eden

We are now in the process of revising the past century’s biochemical concept, under which all major life processes are chemical in nature, to one that proposes that such processes are electromagnetic in nature.

Robert O. Becker

M.D., Becker RO. Exploring new horizons in electromedicine. J Altern Complement Med. 2004;10(1):17-18